Once upon a time was Squircle.me

Later upon a time, Me became two: Edward & Emery.

Our adventure began in earnest and this website no longer told our truths, so please bear with us as we focus on the projects we hope to unveil soon, and our mostly-house-trained gremlins reconstruct this site.

In the meantime, a little about Me…



Me plays with words.

Both of Me. 

Sometimes Me burrows into the darkness where monsters lurk, with only my candle to keep them not too close. Me kicks them away if they bite too hurty, but Me needs their sharp teeth nibbles to make the blood flow. Me scratches at the walls and floor to dig out words buried inside, and Me snatches at the sky to catch ideas whizzing around Me’s head; words and ideas to squelch and squish into stories you’ll watch on screens big and small and read one day soon. 

Very soon

Sometimes Me stands up straight and switches on the light and then I write features for literary publications and the opinions of others. They’re no less creative, but perhaps the fantasies ebb away and facts take precedence, though the crafting is equally important.

Sometimes one of Me is the Voice of God: the disembodied voice that announces nominees and winners at corporate award ceremonies. There’s a story in that, so don’t go far. Watch closely…

And when dusk creeps in, one of Me arms myself with a pen of blood and sweeps red ink through the fiction of others, and our minds connect across the darkened realms of creativity; them in their worlds, Me burrowed deeply in mine.

And then, when it’s fully dark, Me burrows and Me plays with words again.


Me One (Edward Field) and Me Two (Emery Gare)